For DotA or any game that is very important even death, but "by no means dead end",because then the player's hero can be revived or play in the next game. However,especially with DotA, the hero dies a hero's strength is still retained and will continue tocause harm to the enemy team to make conversation.
Here are some typical hero who fell despite the error is still the enemy as:
1. Goblin Techies (Land Mines, Remote Mines)
Paradoxically, for this hero is "very weak but very dangerous," simply because thebomb was a hero with ms and low damage and no defense or escape skill. However,this hero can kill a hero at that team you have many surprises by his knack for placingbombs.
Due to the skill of the Goblin Techies can cause damage, absolutely no need to bombthe active hero can kill the enemy that does not matter you're dead or alive. Wordseasier to understand, usually in a match, then bombs kill 90% of the skill acquired outside Suicide (suicide) is the hero "bikes" to bomb has been placed before.
2. Warlock (Shadow Word, Rain of Chaos)
A former hero of the Competitive arena but were very stable when less Icefrog played in the recent versions.
With Shadow Word, this hero can support or even gank or lane, farm very well.Although similar effects have the Urn of Shadow but more comfortable because you need mana instead of the network as the other item. And Rain of Chaos, with a focusGolem can burn, beat and move fairly quickly and for the Warlock proficient players, they always consider this skill to help them kill the best.
Never underestimate the Golem notes, because just a little control skills, then it will give you up to the board soon though Warlock then fell off.
3. Leshrac (Diabolic Edict)
The first time I met this hero, little doubt that skill is skill Diabolic quickly head out the top DotA.
No tiger leading Nuker name is DotA, Leshrac Icefrog also favored to die Diabolicthough still effective. If many units around the body of Leshrac is okay because the behavior of these same ultimate skill of Luna Eclipse is distributed to multiple objects, in contrast, the entire damage will focus on only one object. However Leshrac very lowHP and die because the body is prone to large target.
4. Rhasta (Mass Serpent Ward)
Similarly Leshrac, Rhasta is also a leading pusher of DotA with ultimate plug solidmass pile at a time. However, unlike the Rhasta Leshrac can control his ultimate attacka specified object, and when all the attacks, the amount of damage is not small at all.
Rhasta also very easy to die and be used to tie Schackles an enemy hero for stagingpiles attacked while staging pile is 100% magic resistance so often in a combat large or small it is usually destroyed after the same should be fixed Rhasta hero trying to takethat network.
5. Lich (Chain Frost)
Sometimes we have to admit Lich hero is very easy to play, so just hit Frost Nova andChain Frost is almost complete the task because this skill is the second major strengthof the Lich.
Even with the hero to gank Lich must stun it smoothly, if not eat a mobile ice can beequal to five times up to thousands of Frost Nova damage.
6. Lycanthrope
At 6.72c, the wolves have the potential to become hotboy be used in many public andthe competitive DotA for 2 wolf has become a weapon buff to attack the most powerfulof the Lycanthrope. Especially with the support hero no escape skill as Zeus, WitchDoctor, Rylai ... 2 wolf may silently round the back and with a few strokes to completethe hero must support the board
7. Witch Doctor (Maledict)
Hero has a combo combines the advantages of plug Rhasta and Shadow Demon arepiles and stack damage created, so that Doctor can handle a hero after a neat comboless than 5 seconds. However, because the Doctor is a hero Intelligent quite thin andhas no good escape skill so often focus first in combat. Just return to a hero skillcombo is any possibility that hero is pretty high up the table despite the Witch Doctor is alive or dead.
Theoretically, there are some heroes that can kill humans by long-acting skill asVenomancer, Doom, AA, Gyrocopter, Visage ... However, the reality is very rarely seenthis hero can kill a person after death, but in return have left a little damage when on the board.
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